How to Handle Being Ghosted by a Client: Your Quick Guide for Wellness Queens πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ’…πŸΎ



Hey sis, we all know ghosting isn't just a dating drama—it can hit us in our businesses too, especially in the wellness world. You’re vibing with a client, everything’s smooth, then boom, radio silence. No texts, no calls, nada. It’s frustrating, but girl, we’ve got to handle it like the queens we are. Here’s how to stay fabulous and professional when a client ghosts you:


1. Stay Cool and Classy:

   I get it, you want to scream or maybe cry, but keep your cool, girl. Staying professional even when you’re fuming keeps your rep sparkling and shows everyone you’re the real deal.


2. Give Them a Minute:

   Life gets wild. Maybe your client’s dealing with something unexpected. Give it a week or two before you start stressing. Patience, boo.


3. Follow Up with Style:

   Drop a sweet, friendly follow-up email. Keep it short and cute:


   Subject: Just Checking In


   Hi [Client’s Name],


   Hope you’re doing fabulous! Just wanted to touch base about [wellness routine/our last chat]. Let me know if you need anything or when we can catch up on the next steps.



   [Your Name]


4. Slide into DMs and More:

   If the emails aren’t cutting it, try other channels. A quick text, a call, or a LinkedIn message might just do the trick. Sometimes things get lost, you know?


5. Document, Document, Document:

   Keep a record of all your communications. This can save you later if there are any issues with payments or deadlines.


6. Set Your Boundaries, Sis:

   If they’re still ghosting, set clear boundaries. Let them know what’s up and what the next steps are. Maybe mention any potential charges for delays. Here’s a template:


   Hi [Client’s Name],


   Haven’t heard back from you about [wellness routine/our last chat]. If I don’t hear from you by [specific date], I’ll have to pause our sessions to focus on other commitments.


   Let me know how you want to proceed.



   [Your Name]


7. Reflect and Grow:

   Think about why this happened. Could you improve your client communication or services? Use this as a chance to grow and shine even brighter.


8. Know When to Let Go:

   Sometimes, you’ve just got to move on. Focus your energy on clients who value your time and talent.


9. Lean on Your Tribe:

   Reach out to your wellness sisters. Sharing stories and advice can lift your spirits and give you new perspectives. ( Don’t have one? Join our Womb Gang Collective on Facebook. Click HERE to join us! ) 


10. Keep That Crown High:

    Remember, being ghosted isn’t about you or your skills. Stay positive and keep delivering that top-tier service to your other clients. Your glow will attract the right ones.


 Wrap Up

 Getting ghosted sucks, but you can handle it like the queen you are. Stay calm, stay professional, and keep shining. You got this, Queen! πŸ’–


Want to learn how to swoon πŸ’• your client to the moon πŸŒ™ and back so this NEVER happens again!? Click HERE and down load a copy of my book “ Birthing Your Business Without The Labor Pains” A step-by-Step Workbook to help you launch a wildly successful womb-centered business.